Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Collard Greens ~ Chef Stefan

Collard Greens ~ Chef Stefan Recipes

Collard Greens look like a big weed that grows along a creek next to the Skunk Cabbage.  They are usually inexpensive, and they be one of Chef Stefan's favorite veggies here in the South. 

-1 bunch of Collard Greens, cut in 1 inch strips
-pot o'boiling water
-1/4 cup diced onion
-1/4 cup diced bacon' (pre-cooked or left over from the weekends breakfast)
-dash o'salt
- tbs butter
-oliver oil
-white wine

Boil water in a caldron and add a dash of salt.  Toss those Collard Greens into the boilin' water for a while, maybe 10 minutes or so, until leaves are soft and well cooked.  Fetch a skillet, and throw in a dash o'olive oil, tbs of butter, and the onions.  Stir and saute the onions until they are soft and 'carmelized'.  Throw in the bacon and a dash o'white wine.  Stir.   Drain water from the Collard Greens, and add them to the skillet and stir all the stuff together.  Serve as a side dish. 

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