Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Collard Greens ~ Chef Stefan

Collard Greens ~ Chef Stefan Recipes

Collard Greens look like a big weed that grows along a creek next to the Skunk Cabbage.  They are usually inexpensive, and they be one of Chef Stefan's favorite veggies here in the South. 

-1 bunch of Collard Greens, cut in 1 inch strips
-pot o'boiling water
-1/4 cup diced onion
-1/4 cup diced bacon' (pre-cooked or left over from the weekends breakfast)
-dash o'salt
- tbs butter
-oliver oil
-white wine

Boil water in a caldron and add a dash of salt.  Toss those Collard Greens into the boilin' water for a while, maybe 10 minutes or so, until leaves are soft and well cooked.  Fetch a skillet, and throw in a dash o'olive oil, tbs of butter, and the onions.  Stir and saute the onions until they are soft and 'carmelized'.  Throw in the bacon and a dash o'white wine.  Stir.   Drain water from the Collard Greens, and add them to the skillet and stir all the stuff together.  Serve as a side dish. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

17-April-2013 ~ Local Pond Panfish ~

A quick bike ride to the local pond yielded a little crappie on a little white minnow on a jighead.
Fishboy caught many bluegills and crappie. Weather is now in the 80F range.  Love it. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

14-April-2013 ~ Mountain Island Lake ~

Two of us out early on a beautiful Sunday morning.  Bite was slow for first hour, then the spotted bass started hitting, along with a largemouth, a channel catfish, and more spotted bass.  Not a single bluegill or sunny to be found.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

07-April-2013 ~ Mountain Island Lake

Sir Sean got the bass up at the dam, other than that, we were skunked.  So, you see a photo of the truck and boat leaving the lake... and Bella after her bath with her beautiful eyes.  A nice day at about 70F and water was 50-55F, but where were the fish ?

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Mountain Island Lake Striped Bass

02-April-2013 ~ Mountain Island Lake ~

Water temp around 50F, air temp around 55F.  We enjoyed a glorious sunny day off during spring break out on the water.  We had the lake pretty much to ourselves.  There were bald eagles, ospreys, herons, turkey vultures, and anhingas flying and floating about.  Mr. Vague got a hat trick of sorts: Spotted Bass, Channel Catfish, and a Striped Bass.  All were caught with spoons.  The crazy catfish was caught in 50 feet of water on a jigging spoon.  These and all the other fish we caught were released unharmed.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Colleton River

30-March-2013 ~  Colleton River in Bluffton, South Carolina ~

The view looking up the Colleton River from just north of the boat access ramp.  We stopped here to catch some fiddler crabs and hike around a bit.  The landscape here looks like a scene from space pirate film, a lunar beach landscape...a calm cool breeze teasing the pines, sand cliffs, old live oaks slumped accross the beach, sea birds gliding by, the tidal river lapping at the oyster shells, and little fiddler crabs trying to get away from our fingers..running under the rocks....

The day before this photo was taken, I rode my bike to a few spots along Broad Creek to try'n catch some fishes, but no luck.